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What is Color Theory and WHY is it important to understand if you’re an influencer?

Continue reading today’s Influencer Coaching to learn about color theory.

Color theory “explains how humans perceive color” (Decker, 99Designs). Everything that is visually perceived by a follower, effects how that follower engages with your post.

It’s no secret that companies, like McDonald (think of the bold red and yellow color scheme) have been taking advantage of how a color makes a consumer feel.

As an Influencer, you should think about what colors that you predominantly use in your content and what that might communicate to your followers. Soft pastels make someone feel way different than neon greens and yellows.

Think about what your favorite colors are and what they mean to you. Are those colors present in your content? Do the colors complement or contrast each other? How do you think your followers feel when they see your content?

I have linked a color picker test in the further reading below. It’s a fun test to see how you may perceive colors vs others.

Please let us know if you have any questions about color theory in the comments below!

Further Reading:
Color Theory Article:

Video on Color Theory:

Color Picker Testr:


#influencercoaching #influencertips #colortheory